Sunday 4 May 2014

Natural Hair Journey - The Big Chop

Transitioning style
On January 6, 2012 I had my last perm. I had decided a few months earlier that I would allow my natural hair to grow out. I was about two months into the process when I had a change of heart. This was influenced by plans I had to attend a formal dinner that evening. I hadn't learnt anything about caring for my hair as yet and couldn't figure out a way to fix my hair that would be appropriate for the occasion. So I permed my hair.

Admittedly even after that last perm I was still on the fence about going natural. In my mind this was a phase I was going through and at any minute I could decide to go back to what I was used to - hair permed straight. As the months went on it became even more frustrating. I've never been one big on combing hair so although I read and educated myself about caring for my kinky hair as well as created a portfolio of different transition styles I could try, the process was frustrating. I hated this phase. I hated dealing with the two textures. I didn't remember what my hair looked like natural and as the new growth came up I became even more uncertain. There was just one big mass of confusion beneath the stringy remnants of permed hair.

The big chop: 1 year before and the after
My intention was to grow my hair out until it was a reasonable length before I cut off the relaxed ends. It was hell to deal with. One faithful day - on 1 June 2012 - after returning home from church I looked in the mirror and I hated what I saw. I wrestled with two thoughts - cut off the permed ends or go for a relaxer as soon as night fell. The battle was fierce as the latter option had the most convincing arguments. My hair was lovely when relaxed. A few years earlier I had decided to grow my hair out rather than cut it after every perm and it was beautiful. People loved my hair and I loved people loving my hair. I loved my relaxed hair!!!!!!!
The natural me

However, I chose the first. That same evening, before the devil could convince me otherwise with his sweet lies, I took scissors and hacked off the relaxed ends. It was liberating!!! And I loved it. As I introduced my adult self to the natural self I'd lost touch with I realized that no amount of perm, makeup, add-ons or subtractions could make me beautiful. I was already gorgeous. My hair is just an accessory!

Natural Hair Journey - The Big Chop  © 2014 S.L.Lawrence The content appearing on this blog is the exclusive copyright of S.L. Lawrence and should not be copied or reproduced without the explicit written consent of the copyright owner. 

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